
슬픈 운명 Ace of Sorrow - Joan Baez . Brown & Dana

엔비53 2012. 9. 20. 01:10





Joan Baez


Joan Baez, born 9 Jan 1941, by Russell Hoban, Casein on board, 1962: Known as "the queen of the folk singers" during the heyday of hootenannies-folk music's version of a jam session-Joan Baez had what a 1962 Time cover story called a voice "as clear as air in the autumn, a vibrant, strong, untrained and thrilling soprano." She played the coffeehouse circuit before causing a sensation at the 1959 Newport Folk Festival, and she soon became associated with such legendary folk groups as the Weavers and the Seeger family. Her first album of English and American ballads was a huge success and included her soon-to-be classic renditions of "Barbara Allen" and "All My Trials." By the mid-1960s Baez was associated with various political causes, most prominently the antiwar and civil rights movements.


자유와 민권을 노래한 프로테스탄트 포크의 여왕  [Joan Baez]




Ace of Sorrow by Joan Baez


'Ace of Sorrow' 아름답고 슬픈 노래의 대명사로 Melanie Safka의 Saddest Thing과 쌍벽을 이루면서 한국인이 가장 좋아하는 팝송 중 하나입니다.  Brown & Dana가 1963년 부른 이후 수많은 가수에 의해서 리메이크가 된 노래입니다.  우리나라에선 트윈 폴리오가 '슬픈 운명'으로 번안해 불렀습니다.


Ace of Sorrow
슬픈 운명



To the queen of heats is the ace of sorrow

He's here today, he's gone tomorrow

Young men are plenty but sweethearts few 

If my love leaves me what shall I do? 

Had I the store in yonder mountain
Where gold and silver is there for counting
I could not count for thought of thee
My eyes so full I could not see


My father left me both house and land

And servants many at my command

At my commandment they ne'er shall be

I'll forsake them all and go with thee

I love my father, I love my mother
I love my sister, I love my brother
I love my friends and relatives too
I'll forsake them all and go with you

To the queen of hearts is the ace of sorrow
He's here today, he's gone tomorrow
Young men are plenty but sweethearts few
If my love leaves me what shall I do?


Brown & Dana


Picture of Brown & Dana

The folksinging duo Brown and Dana recorded an album for MGM in the '60's and toured the country, performing at more than a hundred colleges and folk clubs.  They are being rediscovered by college students digging back through folk archives, and more and more iPods have a Brown and Dana tune or two on the playlist. Their recordings of It Was A Very Good Year (which may have inspired Frank Sinatra's later version); Wanderin', sung by Al Dana(later recorded by James Taylor); and great original guitar and banjo work by Garrett Brown have made them todays "Best-known obscure folk group" according to online folk DJ Ken at Shady Grove Radio, who said, on his broadcast, January 15, 2006: "The featured artists are Brown & Dana and their album, It Was A Very Good Year, from 1963. I think you'll really appreciate these guys as their harmony is exceptional! ...Enjoy!"

Oddly enough, their rediscovery was prefigured in Korea,

where many websites feature their work.

미국 Philadelphia 출신 Garett Brown과 Connecticut주 출신 Al Dana는 Tufts 대학에서 50년대 후반에 만나, 학비보조를 위하여 음악활동을 하게 되는데, 졸업때 쯤인 '61년에 본격적으로 활동하며 학교는 중단했습니다. 대학교 행사와, Folk 음악공연이 열리는 New York, Philadelphia, Boston 등지로 공연을 하며 모습을 선보이는데, 이때 만든 'IT WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR' 라는album 속에 이 곡이 수록되었습니다.

