David C. McCasland 22

폭풍 속의 그리스도(Christ In The Storm) by David C. McCasland / 마가복음 4:33 - 4:41(Mark 4:33 - 4:41)

'The Storm on the Sea of Galilee' by Rembrant [1633] Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Coulter 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2332> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2014/04/odb-04-29-14.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn 29 April Tue, 2014 Christ In The Storm [ Mark 4:33 - 4:41 ] - hymn413 Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? — ..

온유한 자는 복이 있나니(Blessed Are The Meek) by David C. McCasland / 마태복음 5;1 - 5:10 (Matthew 5:1 - 5:10)

Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado as Jesus in a scene from 20th Century Fox's "Son of God." Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Coulter 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2332> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2014/03/odb-03-30-14.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn 30 March Sun, 2014 Blessed Are The Meek [ Matthew 5:1 - 5:10 ] - hymn427 Blessed are the meek, for t..

도움과 치유가 되는 말(Words That Help And Heal) by David C. McCasland / 마태복음 6:5 - 6:15(Matthew 6:5 - 6:15)

Gettysburg National CemeteryCourtesy of the National Park Service. http://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/gettysburg.htm Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Coulter 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2332> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2014/01/odb-01-07-14.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn January 7, 2014 — by David C. McCasland Words Th..

A Life That Shined(빛을 비추는 삶) by David C. McCasland / 마태복음 5:3 - 5:16(Matthew 5:3 - 5:16)

Chicago O'Hare International Airport 1964 NCAA Champions, John Wooden and the Bruins of UCLA. Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Coulter 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.et/seonomusa/2332> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2013/09/odb-09-15-13.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn September 15, 2013 — by David C. McCasland A Life That Shined [ Matthew 5:3 - 5:16 ] - hym..

연민의 힘(The Power Of Compassion) by David C. McCasland / 이사야 42:1 - 42:9(Isaiah 42:1 - 42:9)

Chalet Les Melezes at Swiss L'Abri L'Abri (French for "the Shelter") is an evangelical Christian organization founded by Francis Schaeffer and his wife Edith in Huémoz-sur-Ollon, Switzerland on June 5, 1955. They opened their alpine home as a ministry to curious travellers and as a forum to discuss philosophical and religious beliefs. Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Co..

하나님께로부터 온 메시지(A Message From God) by David C. McCasland / 히브리서 1:1 - 1:9(Hebrews 1:1 - 1:9)

Ernesto Cortazar의 캐럴 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2973> 영어 낭독 - <http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2012/12/odb-12-25-12.mp3> Hosted by Les Lamborn December 25, 2012 — by David C. McCasland A Message From God [ Hebrews 1:1 - 1:9 ] - hymn126 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, h..

매혹적인 겉과 유해한 속 (Tempting Outside; Toxic Inside) by David C. McCasland

Tempting Outside; Toxic Inside by David C. McCasland 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2012/06/odb-06-21-12.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn 21 June Thu, 2012 Tempting Outside; Toxic Inside [ Proverbs 2:6 - 2:20 ] - hymn201 Then you will understand righteousness and justice, equity and every good path. — Proverbs 2:9 An Australian study concluded that plainer cigarette pac..

하나님의 한결같은 사랑 (God's Unfailing Love) by David C. McCasland

God's Unfailing Love by David C. McCasland 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2012/04/odb-04-19-12.mp3 by Les Lamborn 19 April Thu, 2012 GOD’S UNFAILING LOVE [ Hosea 10:9 - 10:15 ] - hymn15 Sow for yourselves righteousness; reap in mercy; ... for it is time to seek the LORD. - Hosea 10:12 The Old Testament book of Hosea is the story of God’s faithful love for His unfait..