February 3 2013 — by David C. McCasland 3

꼭 필요한 만큼(Just Enough) by David C. McCasland / 마태복음 6:25 - 6:34 / Matthew 6:25 - 6:34

[생활성가] 천사들의 노래 / 사랑의 날개 외 11곡 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2429> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2013/02/odb-02-04-13.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn February 3, 2013 — by David C. McCaslandJust Enough[ Matthew 6:25 - 6:34 ] - hymn300Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you..

꼭 필요한 만큼(Just Enough) by David C. McCasland / 마태복음 6:25 - 6:34 / Matthew 6:25 - 6:34

Nearer My God To Thee (외) - Phil Coulter 피아노 연주 <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/2332> 영어 낭독 - http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2013/02/odb-02-04-13.mp3 Hosted by Les Lamborn February 3, 2013 — by David C. McCasland Just Enough [ Matthew 6:25 - 6:34 ] - hymn300 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you...

천천히 음미하기(Savor The Flavor) by David C. McCasland / 느헤미야 8:1 - 8:12 / Nehemiah 8:1 - 8:12

Spring is here, rejoyce! Amazing Grace - Nana Mouskouri <http://blog.daum.net/seonomusa/158> 영어 낭독 - <http://cdn.rbc.org/odb/2013/02/odb-02-03-13.mp3> Hosted by Les Lamborn February 3, 2013 — by David C. McCaslandSavor The Flavor[ Nehemiah 8:1 - 8:12 ] - hymn453All the people went their way to eat and drink ... and rejoice greatly. — Nehemiah 8:..