
리베라 소년 합창단(Ribera Boys Choir)의 Going Home / Dvorak's The Symphony No. 9 in E Minor From the New World, Op. 95, B. 178

엔비53 2012. 10. 26. 21:49


The British Boys Choir "Libera" singing "Going Home" to the music of Dvorak.






Antonin Dvorak(체코, 1841~1904)의 교향곡 제9번 "신세계로부터"에서

신세계는 당시 유럽인들이 미국을 지칭하는 말입니다.

드보르작의 3대 명곡(신세계 교향곡, 현악 4중주 American

& 첼로 협주곡)이 모두 그렇지만  신세계(미국)에서의

고향에 대한 그리움을 표현하고 있습니다.



[교향곡 제9번 E단조 Op. 95 `신세계로 부터`] 







'Going Home'

by Libera boys choir

Going home, going home
I'm a going home,
Quiet like, some still day ,
I'm just going home,
It's not far just close by,
Through an open door
Work all done, care laid by,
Gwine to fear no more,
Mother's there specting me,
Father's waiting too.
Lots o'folk gather'd there,
All the friends I knew.
All the friends I knew.
Home-Home- I'm going home.
Nothing lost all's gain,
No more nor pain



Libera is an all-boy English vocal group directed by Rovert Prizeman. Most members came from the  parish choir of St. Philip's, Norbury, in South London. The group recruits from a variety of backgrounds in the london area, and does not require its members to belong to any specific denomination.











Český Krumlov / Krumau - Bohemia / Böhmen - Czech Republic



드보르작 - 교향곡 제9번 E단조 Op. 95 `신세계로 부터`
