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[스크랩] 황금 연못 On Golden Pond

엔비53 2014. 3. 25. 22:21

황금 연못  On Golden Pond

드라마 | 미국, 영국 | 105 | 1981


감독 - 마크 라이델


출연 -캐서린 헵번 (에텔 타이어 ), 헨리 폰다 (노먼 타이어 ), 

제인 폰다 (첼시 타이어 웨인 ), 더그 맥케온 (빌리 레이 )

오랜 세월동안 마음의 문을 닫고 살던 아버지와 딸이 애정을 되찾게 되는 과정을 그린 영화이다.뉴잉글랜드의 황금 연못이

라는 호숫가 별장에서 노부부(헨리 폰다캐서린 헵번) 여름을 보낸다어느   첼시(제인 폰다) 유럽 여행을 가기 

 남자친구 빌의 아들 빌리를 맡기러 별장에 들른오랫동안 첼시와 아버지는 불화로 마음의 문을 닫고 있었다하지

 별장에서 함께 시간을 보내 면서 차츰 마음의 문을 연다또한 아버지는 빌리에게 다이빙을 가르쳐주면서 가까워진다

 여행에서 돌아온 첼시는 어머니의 도움으로 아버지와 화해를 하고 가족애를 되찾는다.

(최은영)  http://movie.daum.net/moviedetail/

On Golden Pond is a 1981 American drama film directed by Mark Rydell. The screenplay by Ernest Thompson was adapted from his 1979 play of the same title. Henry Fonda won the Academy Award for Best Actor in what was his final film role. Wikipedia


There's little that happens in on Golden Pond that isn't thoroughly predictable from the start, but the film is blessed with so much star power, charm and honest sentiment that everyone in the audience is willing to ignore the clichés and go the distance. In his last film,


Henry Fonda plays Norman Thayer, a cranky 80-year-old retired professor, making his annual pilgrimage with his wife Katharine Hepburn (in her only teaming with Henry Fonda) to their New England summer cottage.

Their solitude is interrupted when the couple's daughter Chelsea (Jane Fonda) arrives with her fiancé Bill (Dabney Coleman) and his son Doug McKeon in tow. It takes a while, but Jane Fonda and Coleman, about to go on a vacation of their own, persuade Henry Fonda and Hepburn to take care of McKeon. Henry Fonda and the kid dislike each other from Square one, and it looks as though this summer (which may very well be Henry Fonda's last) will be a depressing experience. 

There's little that happens in on Golden Pond that isn't thoroughly predictable from the start, but the film is blessed with so much star power, charm and honest sentiment that everyone in the audience is willing to ignore the clichés and go the distance. In his last film,

Henry Fonda plays Norman Thayer, a cranky 80-year-old retired professor, making his annual pilgrimage with his wife Katharine Hepburn (in her only teaming with Henry Fonda) to their New England summer cottage.

Their solitude is interrupted when the couple's daughter Chelsea (Jane Fonda) arrives with her fiancé Bill (Dabney Coleman) and his son Doug McKeon in tow. It takes a while, but Jane Fonda and Coleman, about to go on a vacation of their own, persuade Henry Fonda and Hepburn to take care of McKeon. Henry Fonda and the kid dislike each other from Square one, and it looks as though this summer (which may very well be Henry Fonda's last) will be a depressing experience.

Gradually, Henry Fonda and McKeon grow to love one another; their bond is strengthened during a near-fatal accident while fishing. It is through the warm relationship between Henry Fonda and the boy that the old man and his daughter Jane Fonda are at last able to display affection towards each other--the first time they've done so in years.

Gorgeously photographed by Billy Williams, on Golden Pond is a wonderful valedictory for Henry Fonda, who died not long after the film's completion; Katharine Hepburn has less to do, but few can do so much with so little.  Academy Awards were bestowed upon Henry Fonda, Hepburn, and screenwriter Ernest Thompson (who adapted the film from his stage play).

~ Hal Erickson, Rovi     http://www.fandango.com/ongoldenpond_v36229/plotsummary


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