아침정원/나누고싶은 글

Remembering September 11th

엔비53 2014. 9. 11. 00:30






Remembering September 11th


“Each year as our Nation mourns, our faith restores us and summons within us the sense of common purpose we rediscovered after the attacks. Prayer and humble reflection carry us forward on the path we travel together, helping mend deep wounds still sore from loss. These lasting virtues sustain us not just for one day, but every day.” – President Barack Obama, September 5, 2014

On September 11, 2001, the United States witnessed first hand the horror of terrorism and the barbarism of extremists willing to take any and all life. America the great, an impervious superpower had been wounded leaving behind a scar that remains for generations to come. I still remember the day as though it were yesterday. The ache in my stomach nearly paralyzed my body as I froze in disbelief while the events unfolded before my eyes on television. Every passing minute felt like an eternity as I watched my fellow Americans suffering – lost in confusion and gripped with fear of the unknown. Instantly, my heart was broken for my country. My soul absorbed every horrifying second and in those moments I did not see strangers running out of the burning buildings nor were there faceless names lost in the aircraft used for such destruction. Rather, I saw family. My brothers and sisters were dying. The sorrow I felt was as intense as I have ever experienced and it is a feeling I will not soon forget. In those hours and weeks to follow, we were a nation no longer divided by politics, socioeconomic, ethnicity, or religion. Before the finger pointing and weakness of our humanity surfaced again, we were able to put aside our differences and hold high the arms of those around us in pride as one nation united.

The heroic acts of the firemen, policemen and those serving in every area of civil service were exemplary. The instinctual nature of those who rushed back into the burning towers and those who pulled victims from Corridor 4 of the Pentagon reminded me of a protective father willing to confront a home intruder or extinguish a fire that threatens his children. Thousands of Americans gave up everything to minister to the needs of those who had lost loved ones and rebuild our broken cities. Lines formed around armed forces recruitment centers and our military acted without hesitation, drawing a line in the sand to the rest of the world in bold proclamation that you are either with us or against us. These brave men and women went above and beyond the call of duty. May we never forget!

It is hard to believe it was thirteen years ago when the images are still so vivid in my mind. Harder yet for me to grasp is the fact that two of my children were not even born yet. I don’t ever want to forget what happened on September 11 and my children must hear the stories. They must be told of the trials we faced and the triumphs that followed. When the world thought we would crumble because we were a society wrought with selfish ambition, greed and divisions, citizens young and old rose to the occasion and defined what it meant to be Americans. There were no riots in the streets. The system didn’t collapse. Chaos did not ensue. Rather, we as a people put on our boots, tightened our belts and got back on our knees, not in defeat but in strength before Almighty God, recognizing that the He is the source that grants victory over adversity.

May God Bless America!

John Bornschein
Vice Chairman
National Day of Prayer Task Force








