친구 블로거/하얀진주 선생

[스크랩] Kalamazoo College, Michigan, USA

엔비53 2015. 5. 17. 08:00

Kalamazoo College 

a private, highly selective liberal arts college with 1,458 students located in Kalamazoo, MI. While focus-

ing on a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, the college also offers extensive experiential opportunities, in-

cluding 3-9 months of international study (80% participation rate), career internships (50% participation 

rate), service-learning (75% participation rate)and undergraduate research (100% complete a Senior In-

dividualized Project). Kalamazoo College also ranks 19th in the nation for graduates who go on to earn

doctorate degrees. Kalamazoo College is also home to the Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership.

The mission of the Arcus Center is to support the pursuit of human rights and social justice by nurturing emerging leaders and sustaining existing leaders in the theory and practice of transformative leadership for positive social change, and to create a pivotal role for liberal arts education in engendering a more

just world.   School mission and unique qualities (as provided by the school):


Brown Hall and dormitory in 1906

Kalamazoo College was founded in 1833 by a group of Baptist ministers as the Michigan and Huron Institute. In 1855 the school received an educational charter from the State of Michigan, establishing explicit recognition of the school as a college. After receiving its educational charter, the school changed its name to Kalamazoo College.

James Stone, the first president of Kalamazoo College, led the school from 1842 through 1863 and was

responsible for instituting the high academic standards that allowed the College to receive its charter. With the support of the Baptist church, classes at the Kala-mazoo Theological Seminary began in 1848

with 11 students. At the same time, the Female Department continued to expand under the watchful eye of Lucinda Hinsdale Stone. In 1845-46, almost half of the 90 students enrolled in Kalamazoo were wo-


The first known student of African descent to attend Kalamazoo College was ex-slave Rufus Lewis Perry. Perry attended Kalamazoo Theological Seminary from 1860–1861, but left before he received a diploma.  Jamaican-born brothers Solomon and John Williamson were the first black graduates from "K," receiving their diplomas in 1911Kalamazoo College also served as a pioneer in coed education, granting its first degree to a woman, Miss Catherine V. Eldred, in 1870.

Kalamazoo College's reputation as an academic powerhouse and a leader in international education

was built during the presidency of Weimer Hicks, who served from 1954 to 1971. Hicks conceived of the

"K Plan" program under which most Kalamazoo students spend at least one term abroad and spend at

least one term working in an academic internship. As part of the original "K Plan," Kalamazoo College

students could attend school year-round. one typical pattern was:

  • First year: Fall: on campus; Winter: on campus; Spring: on campus; Summer: Off
  • Sophomore Year: Fall: on campus; Winter: on campus; Spring: Career Development Internship;         Summer: on campus
  • Junior year: Fall: Study Abroad; Winter: Study Abroad; Spring: on campus; Summer: on campus
  • Senior year: Fall: Senior Individualized Project; Winter: on campus; Spring: on campus

Variations to this schedule — such as spring-term study-abroad programs, full-year study-abroad programs, and winter SIPs.


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