아침정원/Our Daily Bread

Moving Toward Maturity by Kirsten Holmberg

엔비53 2021. 6. 10. 00:44



6월 9일 •수요일

영적 성숙으로 나아감

성경읽기: 역대하 32-33; 요한복음 18:19-40
새찬송가: 455(통507)

오늘의 성경말씀: 에베소서 4:11-16
온전한 사람을 이루어 그리스도의 장성한 분량이 충만한 데까지 이르리니 [에베소서 4:13 ]


최근의 한 설문조사를 보면 자신이 성인이 되었다고 생각하는 나이가 언제인지 묻는 질문이 있습니다. 스스로 성인이라고 생각하는 사람들은 그 사실을 보여주는 구체적 행동들을 예시했는데, 가계 예산을 세우고 집을 사는 것이 “어른으로서의 행동” 순위 1위를 차지했습니다. 다른 어른스러운 행동으로는 주 중에 매일 저녁식사를 직접 준비한다거나, 병원 진료 예약을 직접 하는 것, 재미있는 예로 군것질로 저녁식사를 때워도 된다거나, 토요일 저녁에 놀러 나가지 않고 집에 있는 것이 더 좋아지는 것 등 다양했습니다.

성경은 우리가 영적으로도 힘써 성숙해져야 한다고 말합니다. 바울은 에베소 교회에 편지를 써서 “온전한 사람을 이루어 그리스도의 장성한 분량이 충만한 데까지 이르라”(에베소서 4:13)고 강권했습니다. 우리 믿음이 “어릴” 동안에는 “온갖 교훈의 풍조”(14절)에 취약해 우리 사이에 자주 분열이 생기기도 합니다. 이와 반대로, 진리를 이해하는 데 성숙해지면 “머리가 되시는 그리스도”(15절, 새번역) 아래 한 몸이 되어 움직이게 됩니다.

하나님은 우리에게 성령을 주셔서 하나님이 누구신지 잘 알아가게 도우시며(요한복음 14:26), 목사와 교사들을 세워서 우리를 성숙한 믿음에 이르도록 가르치고 인도하게 하십니다(에베소서 4:11-12). 몸이 자라면서 그 증거로 어떤 특징들이 나타나는 것처럼, 우리가 주님의 몸으로 연합하는 모습이 영적으로 자랐다는 증거입니다.

당신은 어떤 면에서 여전히 온갖 교훈의 풍조에 약합니까? 어떻게 영적으로 계속 성장할 수 있을까요?

저의 성장과 성숙을 주관하시는 사랑의 하나님, 하나님에 대한 이해가 아직 부족한 곳을 보게 도와주시고 하나님의 지혜를 더 많이 가르쳐 주소서.

Wednesday, June 9

Moving Toward Maturity

Bible In A Year: 2 Chronicles 32–33; John 18:19–40
Today’s Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:11-16


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Become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. [ EPHESIANS 4:13 ]


A recent survey asked respondents to identify the age at which they believed they became adults. Those who considered themselves adults pointed to specific behaviors as evidence of their status. Having a budget and buying a house topped the list as being marks of “adulting.” Other adult activities ranged from cooking dinner every weeknight and scheduling one’s own medical appointments, to the more humorous ability to choose to eat snacks for dinner or being excited to stay at home on a Saturday evening instead of going out.

The Bible says we should press on toward spiritual maturity as well. Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus, urging the people to “become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ” (EPHESIANS 4:13). While we’re “young” in our faith, we’re vulnerable to “every wind of teaching” (V. 14), which often results in division among us. Instead, as we mature in our understanding of the truth, we function as a unified body under “him who is the head, that is, Christ” (V. 15).

God gave us His Spirit to help us grow into a full understanding of who He is (JOHN 14:26), and He equips pastors and teachers to instruct and lead us toward maturity in our faith (EPHESIANS 4:11.12). Just as certain characteristics are evidence of physical maturity, our unity as His body is evidence of our spiritual growth. KIRSTEN HOLMBERG

In what ways are you still vulnerable to “every wind of teaching”? How can you continue to grow spiritually?

Loving God, You’re the author of my growth and maturity. Please help me to see where my understanding of You is still immature and teach me more of Your wisdom.


Today's Scripture

Ephesians 4:11–16(NIV)


Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12 contain the two main lists of what we call “spiritual gifts” (Spirit-empowered giftedness for serving God and fellow believers in Christ). While these lists are extensive, they’re not necessarily exhaustive. Though some consider Ephesians 4:11 as another list, it seems quite different. The gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4 represent the gifted leaders that God provides for the growth, encouragement, and strengthening of the body. This seems to be the point of verse 12, which reminds us that these leaders were appointed to equip believers in Jesus for spiritual service. As such, these two kinds of “gifts” are connected. The Spirit provides the spiritual enabling, and spiritual leaders are there to train and equip people to employ those gifts in ministry.

By: Bill Crowder


Ephesians 4:11–16(NIV)

11 So Christ himself gavem the apostles,n the prophets,o the evangelists,p the pastors and teachers,q 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christr may be built ups 13 until we all reach unityt in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of Godu and become mature,v attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.w

14 Then we will no longer be infants,x tossed back and forth by the waves,y and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.z 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love,a we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head,b that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, growsc and builds itself upd in love,e as each part does its work.
