아침정원/Christian Music 112

살아계신 주 / 주 하나님 독생자 예수 [프레이즈유니온 성가 1집]

Hermosa Beach Pier, Southern California I recommend this beach town to your visit. 살아계신주 / 주하나님독생자예수 1.주 하나님 독생자 예수 날 위하여 오시겠네내 모든 죄 다 사하시고 무덤에서 부활하신 나의 구세주 <후렴>살아계신 주 나의 참된 소망 걱정 근심 전혀 없네사랑의 주 내 갈 길 인도 하..

약한 나로 강하게 (What the Lord Has Done in Me) / Written by Reuben Morgan

What the Lord Has Done in Me Let the weak say, "I am strong" Let the poor say, "I am rich" Let the blind say, "I can see; It's what the Lord has done in me" Let the weak say, "I am strong" Let the poor say, "I am rich" Let the blind say, "I can see; It's what the Lord has done in me" Hosanna, hosanna to the Lamb that was slain Hosanna, hosanna, Jesus died and rose again Into t..

사랑의 종소리 (Bell of Love): 복음성가 190 / 손영진 . 윤형주 듀엣

사랑의 종소리(Bell of Love) There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. —Galatians 3:28 I pray, O Lord, reveal to me If I have caused disunity, For You would have Your children one In praise and love for Your dear Son. By Dave Branon 너희는 유대인이나 헬라인이나..