아침정원 1800

Perfectly Placed (완벽한 위치) by Remi Oyedele / Job 38:4-11 (욥기 38:4-11)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/04/perfectly-placed Perfectly Placed완벽한 위치[ Job 38:4 - 38:11 ] - hymn 79 Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? JOB 38:4 Scientists know our planet is precisely the right distance from the sun to benefit from its heat. A little closer and all the water would evaporate, as on Venus. Only a bit farther and everything would..

Prompted to Pray (기도하라는 신호) by James Banks / 1 Timothy 2:1-8 (디모데전서 2:1-8)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/01/prompted-to-pray Prompted to Pray기도하라는 신호[ 1 Timothy 2:1 - 2:8 ] - hymn 361 I constantly remember you in my prayers. 2 TIM. 1:3 "Several years ago I was prompted to pray for you often, and I wonder why.” That text message from an old friend came with a photo of a note she’d kept in her Bible: “Pray for James. Cover mind, ..

Beautiful Fruit (아름다운 열매) by Anne Cetas / Luke 8:4-15 (누가복음 8:4-15)

출처 - https://odb.org/2019/12/31/beautiful-fruit Beautiful Fruit아름다운 열매[ Luke 8:4 - 8:15 ] - hymn 497 The seed is the word of God. LUKE 8:11 "Kids should be able to throw a seed anywhere they want [in the garden] and see what pops up," suggests Rebecca Lemos-Otero, founder of City Blossoms. While this is not a model for careful gardening, it reflects the reality..

December 26, 2019 _ ♪ Auld Lang Syne - Susan Boyle

SD's son Crystal Cove State Park, Southern California [December 26, 2019 - PST] http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=644 1788년 Robert Burns (1759 – 1796)가 쓴 스코틀랜드 언어시. (제2연) 합창을 이렇게 시작함; "For the sake of old times....." (옛날을 위해서...) https://genius.com/Susan-boyle-auld-lang-syne-lyrics Robert Burns's original Scots verse I Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind? Should auld acq..

Asking God (하나님께 구함) by Patricia Raybon / Psalms 6:4-9 (시편 6:4-9)

출처 - https://odb.org/2019/12/13/asking-god Asking God하나님께 구함[ Psalms 6:4 - 6:9 ] - hymn 363 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. PSALM 6:9 When my husband, Dan, was diagnosed with cancer, I couldn’t find the “right” way to ask God to heal him. In my limited view, other people in the world had such serious problems—war, famine..