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Our New Home (우리의 새 집) by Estera Pirosca Escobar / Revelation 22:1-5(요한계시록 22:1-5)

출처 - https://odb.org/2019/08/19/new-home# Our New Home우리의 새 집[ Revelation 22:1 - 22:5 ] - hymn 241 No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city. Revelation 22:3 As the first immigrant to the US to pass through Ellis Island in 1892, Annie Moore must have felt incredible excitement at the thought of a new home and a fresh..

The Power of Encouragement by Peter Chin(격려의 힘) / Acts 15:12-21(사도행전 15:12-21)

출처 - https://odb.org/2019/08/10/the-power-of-encouragement The Power of Encouragement격려의 힘[ Acts 15:12 - 15:21 ] - hymn 354 The whole assembly became silent as they listened to Barnabas and Paul telling about the signs and wonders God had done. Acts 15:12 When he was a young boy, Benjamin West attempted to draw a picture of his sister, but he succeeded only in maki..

The Vans U.S. Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach, CA [Sunday, July 28, 2019]

The Vans U.S. Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach, California https://www.vansusopenofsurfing.com/ 내가 좋아하는 브라질 출신 선수 Tatiana Weston-Webb [July 31, 2019 - 빌려온 사진] https://www.worldsurfleague.com/athletes/2026/tatiana-weston-webb?resultsEventId=3087 https://www.vansusopenofsurfing.com/2019-surf/video-view/post-show-momentum-in-surf-city ‘VAN..

Beautiful to God (하나님께 아름다운 존재) by Leslie Koh / Psalms 8:4-9 (시편 8:4-9)

Crystal Cove State Park, CA - 'Little Treasure Cove' [Sunday, Jan. 14, 2018 - PST] http://www.crystalcovestatepark.org/ 출처 - https://odb.org/2019/07/01 Beautiful to God하나님께 아름다운 존재[ Psalms 8:4 - 8:9 ] - hymn 478 What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? Psalm 8:4 when Denise began dating her boyfriend, she at&shy..