Heart to Heart - Ernesto Cortazar 4

맥아더 장군의 자녀를 위한 기도(General MacArthur's Prayer for His Son)

General MacArthur's Prayer for His Son General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964) was an outstanding figure in the events during and after the Second World War. In early 1942, when leading outnumbered United States forces in the Philippines, General MacArthur prayed this prayer for his son Arthur many times during his morning devotions: 맥아더 장군의 자녀를 위한 기도(1..

자기 자신답게 살라 (Live Like Yourself) - 법정 잠언집 / 살아있는 것은 다 행복하라(May All Beings Be Happy)

Wild Lily - http://www.flickr.com/photos/27143236@N02 자기 자신답게 살라 (Live Like Yourself) 어떤 사람이 불안과 슬픔에 빠져 있다면 그는 이미 지나가 버린 과거의 시간에 아직도 매달려 있는 것이다. When someone has become lost in sadness and anxiety, that person is still clinging to a time in the past that has already gone 또 누..