아침정원/Our Daily Bread 840

True Hope (진정한 소망) by James Banks / Romans 5:1-11 (로마서 5:1-11)

True Hope Read: Romans 5:1–11 | Bible in a Year: Exodus 12–13; Matthew 16 출처: https://odb.org/2018/01/25/true-hope/ True Hope진정한 소망 [ Romans 5:1 - 5:11 ] - hymn 484 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Romans 8:16 Not long ago I visited the Empire State Building with a friend. The line looked short—just down..

Dealing with Delay (지연에 대처하기) by David C. McCasland / Genesis 45:1-8 (창세기 45:1-8)

Dealing with Delay Read: Genesis 45:1–8 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 43–45; Matthew 12:24–50 출처: https://odb.org/2018/01/18/dealing-with-delay-2/ Dealing with Delay지연에 대처하기 [ Genesis 45:1 - 45:8 ] - hymn 545 So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. Genesis 45:8 A global computer system outage causes widespread flight cancellations, s..

The Gift of the Magi (동방박사의 선물) by Mart DeHaan/ Matthew 2:1-12 (마태복음 2:1-12)

The Gift of the Magi Read: Matthew 2:1–12 | Bible in a Year: Genesis 16–17; Matthew 5:27–48 출처: https://odb.org/2018/01/06/the-gift-of-the-magi/ The Gift of the Magi동방박사의 선물 [ Matthew 2:1 - 2:12 ] - hymn 202 We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him. Matthew 2:2 A young married couple had more love than money. As Christmas ne..

What Reminds in the Eye (눈에 아른거리는 것) by Keila Ochoa / Psalms 104:24-35 (시편 104:24-35)

What Reminds in the Eye Read: Psalm 104:24–35 | Bible in a Year: Zechariah 9–12; Revelation 20 출처: https://odb.org/2017/12/29/what-remains-in-the-eye/ What Remains in the Eye눈에 아른거리는 것 [ Psalms 104:24 - 104:35 ] - hymn 79 How many are your works, Lord! Psalm 104:24 The hummingbird gets its English name from the hum made by its rapidly beating wi..

Breaking the Silence (침묵을 깸) by Philip Yancey/ Luke 1:11-17 (누가복음 1;11-17)

Breaking the Silence Read: Luke 1:11–17 | Bible in a Year: Micah 1–3; Revelation 11 https://odb.org/2017/12/20/breaking-the-silence/ Breaking the Silence침묵을 깸[ Luke 1:11 - 1:17 ] - hymn 112 He will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah . . . to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Luke 1:17 At the end of the Old Testament, God seems..

공감의 능력 (The Power of Empathy) by Monica Brands / 히브리서 2:14-18 (Hebrews 2:14-18)

The Power of Empathy Read: Hebrews 2:14–18; 13:1–3 | Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 35–36; 2 Peter 1 https://odb.org/2017/11/29/the-power-of-empathy/ The Power of Empathy공감의 능력[ Hebrews 2:14 - 2:18 ] - hymn 455Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison. Hebrews 13:3 Put on the R70i Age Suit and you immediately feel forty years ol..

How Much More! (얼마나 더 많이!) By David C. McCasland / Luke 11:5-13 (누가복음 11:5-13)

How Much More! Read: Luke 11:5–13 | Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 1–2; Hebrews 11:1–19 https://odb.org/2017/11/15/how-much-more/ How Much More!얼마나 더 많이![ Luke 11:5 - 11:13 ] - hymn 197If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! Luke 1..

When Beauty Never Ends (끊이지 않는 아름다움) by James Banks / Psalm 27:1–4 (시편 27:1-4)

When Beauty Never Ends Read: Psalm 27:1–4 | Bible in a Year: Isaiah 59–61; 2 Thessalonians 3 When Beauty Never Ends끊이지 않는 아름다움 [ Psalms 27:1 - 27:4 ] - hymn 65 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3 I love looking at the Grand Canyon. Whenever I stand at the canyon rim I see new brushstrokes of God’s handiwor..