분류 전체보기 1934

We Are Dust (우리는 먼지에 불과합니다) by John Blase / Psalms 103:8-14(시편 103:8-14)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/02/09/we-are-dust We Are Dust우리는 먼지에 불과합니다[ Psalms 103:8 - 103:14 ] - hymn 290 He remembers that we are dust. PSALM 103:14 The young father was at the end of his rope. “Ice cream! Ice cream!” his toddler screamed. The meltdown in the middle of the crowded mall began drawing the attention of shoppers nearby. “Fine, but w..

Kobe Bryant (August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020) has passed away at age 41

Kobe Bryant, daughter Gianna die in helicopter crash [9:47 A.M., January 26, 2020 - PST] https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/28569438/sources-kobe-bryant-daughter-gianna-die-helicopter-crash Our thoughts are with his family and friends. 'Grieving, but With Hope' https://www.marinerschurch.org/2020/01/grieving-but-with-hope/?utm_source=The+Weekly+-+Irvine&utm_campaign=010b2e337..

Clean Containers (깨끗한 그릇) by Elisa Morgan / 1 Peter 4:7-11(베드로전서 4:7-11)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/20/clean-containers Clean Containers깨끗한 그릇[ 1 Peter 4:7 - 4:11 ] - hymn 293 Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. PROVERBS 10:12 "Hatred corrodes the container that carries it.” These words were spoken by former Senator Alan Simpson at the funeral of George H. W. Bush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv5Izm_8lz8..