아침정원/Our Daily Bread

모든 것이 주님에 관한 것 : It’s All About Him

엔비53 2011. 11. 12. 00:09


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    Our Daily Bread Radil is hosted by Les Lamborn

제 목 :   모든 것이 주님에 관한 것

It’s All About Him - Anne Cetas

날 짜 :  2011-11-10 Thu.

Date: 2011-11-10
Read:John 3:22-36


He must increase, but I must decrease. 
―John 3:30


When Sheri got engaged, her single friend Amy 
celebrated with her. She planned a bridal sho- 
wer, helped pick out her wedding dress, walked 
down the aisle just before her, and stood by her 
side during the cer-emony. When Sheri and her 
husband had children, Amy gave baby showers 
and rejoiced in her friend’s blessings. 

Sheri told Amy later, “You’ve comforted me 
during hard times, but the way I especially know 
you love me is that you rejoice with me in my 
good times. You haven’t let any jealousy hold 
you back from celebrating with me.” 

When John’s disciples heard that a new rabbi 
named Jesus was gaining followers, they tho- 
ught John might be jealous (John 3:26). They 
came to him and said, “He is bap-tizing, and all 
are coming to Him!” But John celebrated Jesus’ 
ministry. He said, “I have been sent before Him. 
. . . The friend of the bridegroom, who stands 
and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the 
bridegroom’s voice. There-fore this joy of mine 
is fulfilled” (vv.28-29). 

An attitude of humility should also characterize 
us. Rather than desiring attention for ourselves, 
everything we do should bring glory to our 
Savior. “He must increase, but I must 
decrease” (v.30). ―Anne Cetas 

Not I but Christ be honored, loved, exalted; 
Not I but Christ be seen, 
be known, be heard; 
Not I but Christ in 
every look and action; 
Not I but Christ in 
every thought and word. ―Whiddington

If we want an increase of Christ, 
there must be a decrease of self.
날짜: 2011-11-10
요한복음 3:22-36
모든 것이 주님에 관한 것
그는 흥하여야 하겠고 나는 쇠하여야 하리라
-요한복음 3:30


셰리가 약혼했을 때, 미혼이었던 친구 에이미가 함께 축하해 주었습니다. 에이미는 예비신부파티를 계획하고, 웨딩드레스를 고르는 것을 도와주었으며, 신부 입장할 때에 그녀 앞에서 걸어 들어가 결혼식 하는 동안 셰리 옆에 서 있었습니다. 셰리와 그의 남편에게 아이들이 생겼을 때 베이비 샤워도 해 주면서 친구의 행복을 함께 기뻐했습니다. 

후에 셰리가 에이미에게 말했습니다. “너는 내가 어려울 때마다 나를 위로해 주었지만, 네가 나를 정말 사랑한다는 것을 확신할 수 있었던 것은 내가 잘 되었을 때 나와 함께 기뻐해 줄 때였어. 너는 나를 축하해줄 때 조금도 질투하는 마음을 품지를 않았어.” 

세례요한의 제자들은 새로운 랍비라는 예수의 추종자들이 점점 늘어난다는 소식을 들었을 때, 세례요한이 질투하리라고 생각했습니다(요 3:26). 제자들이 세례 요한에게 와서 말했습니다. “예수님이 세례를 주니까 모든 이들이 그에게로 몰려갑니다.” 그러나 세례요한은 오히려 예수님의 사역을 축하했습니다. 그리고는 다음과 같이 말했습니다. “나는 그의 앞에 보내심을 받은 자라......신부를 취하는 자는 신랑이나 서서 신랑의 음성을 듣는 친구가 크게 기뻐하나니 나는 이러한 기쁨이 충만하였노라”(28-29절). 

겸손한 태도가 우리의 인격으로 형성되어야 합니다. 우리 자신이 각광을 받으려하기 보다는 모든 것이 우리 구주께 영광이 되도록 해야 합니다. “그는 흥하여야 하겠고 나는 쇠하여야 하리라”(30절). 

내가 아닌 그리스도가 영광 받고,
사랑받으며, 높여져야 하고 
내가 아닌 그리스도가 드러나고, 
알려지며, 전해져야 하고 
내가 아닌 그리스도가 나의 모든
모습과 행위 속에 나타나며 
내가 아닌 그리스도가 나의 모든
생각과 말 속에 나타나야 하라
그리스도가 흥하기를 원한다면,
우리 자신은 쇠해야 한다.



John 3:22-36

New Century Version (NCV)

Jesus and John the Baptist
 22 After this, Jesus and his followers went into the area of Judea, where he stayed with his followers and baptized people.23 John was also baptizing in Aenon, near Salim, because there was plenty of water there. People were going there to be baptized.24 (This was before John was put into prison.)

 25 Some of John's followers had an argument with a Jew about religious washing.[a]26 So they came to John and said, "Teacher, remember the man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan River, the one you spoke about so much? He is baptizing, and everyone is going to him."

 27 John answered, "A man can get only what God gives him.28 You yourselves heard me say, 'I am not the Christ, but I am the one sent to prepare the way for him.'29 The bride belongs only to the bridegroom. But the friend who helps the bridegroom stands by and listens to him. He is thrilled that he gets to hear the bridegroom's voice. In the same way, I am really happy.30 He must become greater, and I must become less important.

The one Who Comes from Heaven
 31 "The one who comes from above is greater than all. The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and talks about things on the earth. But the one who comes from heaven is greater than all.32 He tells what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts what he says.33 Whoever accepts what he says has proven that God is true.34 The one whom God sent speaks the words of God, because God gives him the Spirit fully.35 The Father loves the Son and has given him power over everything.36 Those who believe in the Son have eternal life, but those who do not obey the Son will never have life. God's anger stays on them."

  1. John 3:25 religious washing The Jewish people washed themselves in special ways before eating, before worshiping in the Temple, and at other special times.