아침정원/Our Daily Bread 840

Healing Words(치유의 말) by Kirsten Holmberg/ Proverbs 16:20-24 (잠언 16:20-24)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/04/14/healing-words/ HEALING WORDS치유의 말[ Proverbs 16:20 - 16:24 ] - hymn 428 Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. [ PROVERBS 16:24 ] A recent study has shown that encouraging words from a health-care provider can help patients recuperate faster from their ailments. A simple experiment exposed volunteer..

The Picture of Despair (절망을 찍은 사진) by Linda Washington / Psalms 107:4-9(시편 107:4-9)

Migrant Mother [1936] 출처 - https://odb.org/2020/03/22/the-picture-of-despair THE PICTURE OF DESPAIR절망을 찍은 사진[ Psalms 107:4 - 107:9 ] - hymn 365 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. [ PSALM 107:6 ] During the Great Depression in the United States, famed photog- rapher Dorothea Lange snapped a photo of Flo..

Unexpected Change (예기치 못한 변화) by Bill Crowder / James 4:13-17(야고보서 4:13-17)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/02/27/unpredictable-2 Unexpected Change예기치 못한 변화[ James 4:13 - 4:17 ] - hymn 406 You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. JAMES 4:14 In January 1943, warm Chinook winds hit Spearfish, South Dakota, quickly raising the temperatures from –4° to 45°F (–20° to 7°C). That drastic weather change—a swing of 49 degrees..

We Are Dust (우리는 먼지에 불과합니다) by John Blase / Psalms 103:8-14(시편 103:8-14)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/02/09/we-are-dust We Are Dust우리는 먼지에 불과합니다[ Psalms 103:8 - 103:14 ] - hymn 290 He remembers that we are dust. PSALM 103:14 The young father was at the end of his rope. “Ice cream! Ice cream!” his toddler screamed. The meltdown in the middle of the crowded mall began drawing the attention of shoppers nearby. “Fine, but w..

Clean Containers (깨끗한 그릇) by Elisa Morgan / 1 Peter 4:7-11(베드로전서 4:7-11)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/20/clean-containers Clean Containers깨끗한 그릇[ 1 Peter 4:7 - 4:11 ] - hymn 293 Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. PROVERBS 10:12 "Hatred corrodes the container that carries it.” These words were spoken by former Senator Alan Simpson at the funeral of George H. W. Bush. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv5Izm_8lz8..

A Lifestyle of Praise (찬양하는 삶) by John Blase / Psalms 146:2(시편 146:2)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/12 A Lifestyle of Praise찬양하는 삶[ Psalms 146 ] - hymn 31 I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. PSALM 146:2 Wallace Stegner’s mother died at the age of fifty. When Wallace was eighty, he finally wrote her a note— “Letter, Much Too Late”—in which he praised the virtues of a woman who grew up, married, and raised two so..

Perfectly Placed (완벽한 위치) by Remi Oyedele / Job 38:4-11 (욥기 38:4-11)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/04/perfectly-placed Perfectly Placed완벽한 위치[ Job 38:4 - 38:11 ] - hymn 79 Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? JOB 38:4 Scientists know our planet is precisely the right distance from the sun to benefit from its heat. A little closer and all the water would evaporate, as on Venus. Only a bit farther and everything would..

Prompted to Pray (기도하라는 신호) by James Banks / 1 Timothy 2:1-8 (디모데전서 2:1-8)

출처 - https://odb.org/2020/01/01/prompted-to-pray Prompted to Pray기도하라는 신호[ 1 Timothy 2:1 - 2:8 ] - hymn 361 I constantly remember you in my prayers. 2 TIM. 1:3 "Several years ago I was prompted to pray for you often, and I wonder why.” That text message from an old friend came with a photo of a note she’d kept in her Bible: “Pray for James. Cover mind, ..

Beautiful Fruit (아름다운 열매) by Anne Cetas / Luke 8:4-15 (누가복음 8:4-15)

출처 - https://odb.org/2019/12/31/beautiful-fruit Beautiful Fruit아름다운 열매[ Luke 8:4 - 8:15 ] - hymn 497 The seed is the word of God. LUKE 8:11 "Kids should be able to throw a seed anywhere they want [in the garden] and see what pops up," suggests Rebecca Lemos-Otero, founder of City Blossoms. While this is not a model for careful gardening, it reflects the reality..